12-18 Spontaneously uses 40-80 words
Starts to use recognizable words "wawa" "babba" "dada"
Use sounds from the following sound families: /p, b, t, d, k, g, m, n, y, w/
Indicates wants and needs by pointing/gesturing and engages in pretend play
Produces subjective and objective pronouns (I, it)
Follows a 2-step direction without gestures "go get"
Answers yes/no questions, possibly with a head nod or shake
Refers to self by name, engages in parallel play, and exhibits verbal turn taking
Points to distant objects outside
Says social words like "hi, bye-bye, thank you, please."
Requests items by name "more milk" and protests by vocalizing "no!"
Asks and Answers "what's that" and "where" with rising intonation
Says "all gone" and asks for more
Points to 12 objects when named
Repeats actions that made someone laugh and imitates adult behaviors in play
Talks to self during play
18-24 Speaks 40-80 words
Use sounds from the following sound families: /p, b, t, d, k, g, m, n, y, w/
Produces personal pronouns (my, me, mine, you, your)
Points to familiar objects in a picture
Imitates gestures involving objects (rolls car)
Follows three directions "go upstairs, get your shoes and coat"
Names three pictures
Puts two words together "go car"
Verbally requests snacks and/or drinks "I want cookie"
Imitates animal or environmental sounds
Uses intelligible speech 50% of the time
Imitates a 4 word phrase
Asks what, where, who questions with rising intonation
2-3 yearsExpressive vocabulary of 200-300 words and combines 2 words together
Has approximately 75% intelligibility
Produces the pronouns: "your, she, he, yours, we"
Clearly produces /p, b, m, t, d, k, g, n, w, h, w/ in words
Rapid sound expansion. Say "cat" (not tat) "dog" (not gog)
Airflow sounds emerge: /s, z, sh, f, v, h/
Asks and answers who, what, and where questions
Uses early pronouns I, you, me, his, hers in speech
Vocalizes for all needs "I want more"
Says yes and no in speech
Understands in, out, on, under, one, many, together, away
Understands number concepts of one and two and size differences such as big/little.
Begins to understand time concepts of soon, later, wait
Demonstrates the use of an object's function
Points to and names 5 pictures when asked
Follows three step directions "go upstairs, get your shoes and coat"
Understands verbs and most adjectives color and size
Combines nouns and verbs "boy is running"
recites a few nursery rhymes and holds up fingers to tell age
Controls volume of voice and briefly joins in play
3-4 yearsExpressive vocabulary of 300-1000 words and combines 3 words together with 80% clarity
Separates from primary caregivers easily.
Understands quantity more, less, empty, a lot, big, tall
Understands directions same, both
Understands up, down, in, on next to, besides, between, behind, in front
Identifies all colors and 5 shapes
Points to an object that is different from the others
Follows two-step commands without cues.
Asks and answers why, how and where questions
Responds to "What do you see, hear, smell?" Expresses ideas and feelings.
Talks about recent experiences. Takes turns and plays cooperatively.
Clearly produces /p, b, m, t, d, k, g, n, w, h, w, f,ing/ in sentences
Adult like speech. Clusters are stabilized (spt, spr, str). Words should not be simplified.
4-5 yearsHas a 2500 expressive word vocabulary.
Final sounds acquisitions: /v, s, z, sh, ch, l, r, j/
Has approximately 90% intelligibility
Follows three-step directions without cues.
Uses 4-5 word sentences.. Uses imaginary conditions, such as "What if…" or "I hope."
Uses words to invite others to play.
Understands comparatives big, bigger, biggest and opposites
Understands time concepts first, then, days of the week
Asks and answers why and how questions
Asks "Do you want to..?" "Are we going to…?" "Can you…?"
Understands and expresses figurative language (idioms, jokes, humor)
Uses could, would, might, maybe, should in speech
Tells what common objects are made of and their functions
5-6 yearsUnderstands opposites including left/right
Understands numbers up to 20
Answers how and when questions
Uses adjectives for describing
Uses yesterday and tomorrow
Uses prepositions through, nearest, corner, middle
Names ordinal numbers such as first, second, third
Uses irregular plurals (feet, mice) and irregular past tense (ran, slept)
Describes common objects and events
Tells the weather
Uses complete, coherent sentences
Speaks audibly, sharing ideas and information
Stabilization of all sounds including /v, s, z, sh, ch, l, r, j, th/
Understands categories
Has approximately 100% intelligibility


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